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Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 461 à 474 de 474
Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
2019Investigating Students and Teachers Attitudes About The Use Of Role Play To Improve Speaking Skill.Belbekouche, Sara; Kaddour, Meriem
2019The Effective Strategies to Teach Learners Diagnosed With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.Zoubeidi, Dounia Zed; Benzineb, Fouad
2019The Use of Academic Language and Linguistics Register When Writing a Linguistics Essay.Kharroubi, KHEIRA; Youbi, WAHIBA
2019Investigating Teaching Listening Skill among Algerian Middle School Pupils.Mostefa, Nour Nesrine; Nadher, Lamia
2019Arabic-English Language Interference in Student’s Oral Performance.ARROUSSI, Abdelkader; MAACHI, Mohamed Mounir
2019English Culture Integration in Teaching English as a Foreign Language between Slogan and Reality. An Investigation of the Representation of Culture in Middle School English Text-book.MAGHRAOUI, Tahani
2019Motivating Learners to be Autonomous.ABADLIA Djihad; KHALFALLAH Sabra Fatima Zahra
2019Analyzing the Language Contact Phenomenon in the Algerian Context and its Impact on Loan Words in Communicative Situations: The teachers of English, French and Arabic as a Sample.Ikram Salima MEDJADI; Tahar Ayoub CHIADI
2019Regional and Social Dialects as Loci of Language InducedChange in Tiaret Speech Community.Bochra KADDAOUI; Nour El houda SMAIL
2019The Sociolinguistic Study of Code Switching among the Algerian University Students .BOUDRAOUI, Sabrina
2019The Linguistically Textual Analysis of the Third Year Middle School Textbook “My Book of English”: The Spoken Text as a Case of StudyHayet ZABOR; Sara BRAHIM
2019Investigating Learners’ Retention of Lexical Items through the Use of Visual Aids.Boufares, Lilya
2019Gender Differences in Writing Achievement .KOUIDER, Yakout Lamia; BENDAOUD, Fatima
2019The impact of facebook on learners' academic writing.BOUAMRANI, Khaldia
Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 461 à 474 de 474