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Titre: Student’s Psychological Obstacles In English Speaking Activities
Autre(s) titre(s): Case Study: Third Year Students at Bouamar Boujemaa Secondary School of Tiaret
Auteur(s): NAILI, Fatima Zohra Nesrine
NESSAH, Sarah Lynda
Mots-clés: Psychological Obstacles; Classroom Speaking Activities; Student’s Speaking Skill
Date de publication: 2020
Editeur: Université Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-
Résumé: Many previous researches agreed that speaking a foreign language is an important skill that seems to be difficult to master. The present research tries to reveal the main reasons of the students’ psychological difficulties during speaking activities, since most of them are passive and do not participate in different classroom speaking activities. This leads us to investigate about these problems and the suitable solutions to solve these issues. So, in order to make things clear and conduct a successful work, questionnaires are used as tools of investigation and distributed to a limited number of third year students (39 students) at Bouamar Secondary School of Tiaret . The results show clearly that more than half of students face psychological problems when expressing their ideas in English language. Teachers, in turn, recognize that learners are passive because of their affective state. As a conclusion, one could notice that many factors contribute negatively in the learning process, and have, indeed, a direct impact on their English language practice inside and outside the classroom doors. Though the present modest research, some solutions and recommendations are presented to students, for the purpose of helping them overcome this affective obstacle in English conversation practice.
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