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Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 381 à 400 de 474
Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
2020Revealing EFL Students’ Stance vis-à-vis Phrasal Verbs.Zahra, BOUR; MEKKI, Meryam
2020The Use of Mother Tongue in Teaching English Language.MAHI, Lalia; MOKHTAR, Naima
2020A Critical Discourse Analysis of Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s Inauguration Speech of December 19th, 2019KOUIDER, Mohamed; SRIBA, Mokhtar
2020The Role of Intermarriages in Language Maintenance the Case of Kabyle Variety in Tizi Ouzou Speech CommunityABDELLAOUI, Idir; LADJAL, Souleyman
2020Exploring the Linguistic Accommodation in the University Students’ Speech.ABDESSLAM, Wafa; ZIADI, Souad
2020Investigating the linguistic landscape of tiaret speech community in the era of English language globalizationBOUKHALOUA, Fatima; BELKHIR, Ryma
2020Student’s Psychological Obstacles In English Speaking ActivitiesNAILI, Fatima Zohra Nesrine; NESSAH, Sarah Lynda
2020The Role of Classroom Management in Enhancing EFL Learners’ Motivation.ALI, Khaled; SAFI, Seddik
2020Scrutinizing the Teacher’s Body Language and its Impact on EFL Teaching/Learning: Ibn Khaldoun Third Year BA Students as a Sample.BENAMARA, Ilies Saadi; HADJ, Mohamed Saleh
2020Investigating Disruptive Behaviours within EFL Secondary School.Harat, Sabah; Sedouki, Sabrina
2020Towards Flow… When Learning English Becomes Enjoyable.BENGOUMANE, Mohamed Abdallah
2020Exploring the Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media on Teenage Learners from Academic Perspectives.MANSOUR, Aghiless; BENSABER, Asmaa
2020Investigating the Algerian People’s Perception towards the Introduction of English Language at Primary School: the Rural Area of Tiaret Speech Community as CaseBOUROUBA, Amaria; AHIAOUI, Imene
2020Investigating Facebook users' Nicknames in Algerian from a Sociolinguistics perspectiveISSAD, Oceane; BENKRALIFA, Maissa
2020Probing the Group-Work Strategy and its Effectiveness on EFL Learners’ Achievements: Fourth Middle School Learners as a Sample.KENDZI, Zahia Imane; BERKANE, Wafaa
2020Scrutinizing the issue of Negative Interference: The Impact of Arabic and French languages on EFL learners’ writing profiency and learning English as a Foreign Language.SEGHIER, Nadia; GHAOUTI, Omar
2020Gender Differences within Speech and Vocabulary in Tiaret.HEDDLI, Messaouda Ikram; SAFA, Ismahane
2020Investigating the Gap between Expectation and Reality in Reflective Teaching: Secondary School Teachers as a Study Case.BEHTANI, Anfel amina; GHALI, Chahinez
2020Mixing between American and British English in Academic Writing.KHITER keltoum yassmine, keltoum yassmine; MOHAMMEDI, Fatima Zohra
2020Using Critical Discourse Analysis to Unveil the Ideology of Illegal Immigration in Algerian Songs.BOULAZA, Maroua Anissa; KOUADRIA, Hanane
Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 381 à 400 de 474