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Titre: A Sociolinguistic Perspective on Regional and Social Dialects in Tiaret a Comparative Study of the Speech of Downtown and Suburbs
Auteur(s): Freiha Farah Mira, Farah Mira
Djebbar, Meriem
Mots-clés: Regional dialect, social dialect, Tiaret Speech Community, language variation and change.
Date de publication: 2021
Editeur: Université Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-
Résumé: This research analyses regional and social dialects as key morphosyntactic and meaningdriven linguistic changes. The ultimate objective of this research is to deconstruct the speech of the speakers of Tiaret by identifying certain linguistic variables that have been subjected to diversity in terms of space and place in all over the province. This research is inspire by a real-life observation of the linguistic practices among Tiartians speakers. In this study, the questionnaire is used as the main a research tool.Which is destined to 230 people, who were chosen randomly from Tiaret Speech Community. The questionnaire last section is the most important source of our corpora whereby a content qualitative analysis is adopte to corroborate our observation. Our findings revealed that many speakers fromTiaret downtown were able to communicate effectively with a lot of its suburbs despite of a number of lexical, semantics and phonological variations. Succinctly, albeit the speakers from rural regions tend to imitate the speech of those in Tiaret downtown for prestigious reasons and/or to demonstrate their social belonging or status; the speech of both regions can be clearly distinguished even by the non-native inhabitants of the wilaya.
Collection(s) :Master

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