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Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 301 à 320 de 474
Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
2021The Heavy Load of Teaching in the Coronavirus Pandemic and its Impacts on Students Perfection.BELADJINE, Mohamed Ilyas; DAHMANE, Siradj Eddine Ayoub
2021The Contribution of Classroom Interaction to the Development of Students’ Communicative Competence in EFL ClassesBoudar, Ahmed
2021The Impact of Identity on EFL Speakers: Using Literal Translation in the Classroom.LARBI, Fatima Zohra; MOKHTARI, Tamani
2021Investigating the Role of Vlogs in Enhancing EFL Learners’ speaking Skill The Case of Third Year LMD Students at Ibn Khaldoun University of TiaretSemmar, Mohamed; Benchohra, Nadji; Zeghoud, Kousseila
2021Expressing Arabic thoughts in English tongue: lost meaning while mind translating Case study of Second and Third year BMD students.BENYAMINA, Amira; BOUSRI, Sabrina Chahrazed
2021Teacher’s Burnout: Exploring Triggers and Approaches to Overcome and Prevent a Menacing Issue.Bensetal, Shahrazed; Feraoune, Mohamed
2021Exploring Master’s Dissertation Writing Common Problems: Students’ Perceptions and Internal Examiners’ ReviewsNaceur, Souad; Safou, Abdelkader
2021A Sociolinguistic Perspective on Regional and Social Dialects in Tiaret a Comparative Study of the Speech of Downtown and SuburbsFreiha Farah Mira, Farah Mira; Djebbar, Meriem
2021Investigating the difficulties encountered by Students of Foreign Languages while Translating from English to Arabic: Case of Second and Third Year Students in the Department of English at Tiaret UniversityMESSABIH Khadidja, Khadidja; MEDJROUD, Ahmed Chafik
2021Investigating the Implementation of Teaching Strategies to Enhance Oral Proficiency among EFL Shy LearnersAMALOU, Amel; BEGHACHE, Hanane; BEKHADDA, Soumaya
2021Exploring the Use of Mobile Device in Improving Listening SkillsBouchedjra, Soumia
2020Teachers-Learners Roles within an Autonomous Learning Process.BELBAH, Nassima; BELHOUARI, Dalila
2020Exploring the Use of Portfolio as a Student-Centered Technique to Improve the Writing Skills.MOHAMEDI, Manel; BOUGHRARA, Naima Samia
2020Investigating EFL Learners’ Cultural Awareness and its Impact on Their Language Competency: Case of Master 01 Students of Linguistics at Ibn Khaldoun University of TiaretSlimane, Fatma; Zoubir, Nadjah
2020The Effect of Excessive Anxiety on EFL Learners’ Academic Writing CompetencesMalika, ABDELLAH
2020Assessment Literacy Among University Teachers: A Case Study of Ibn Khaldoun University.ABBOU, Samah; DJILLALI, Zineb
2020The Non-Observance of Maxims in Facebook Conversations.BENAMOR, Yamina; SERARDI, Radia Nour Elhouda
2020Investigating the Connection between the Native and Foreign Languages in a Bilingual Mind.DALAA, Karima; HAOUACHINE, Wiam
2020Socio-cultural Environment and its Influence on Learners Oral Performance : a Case Study of First Year LMD Students of english UNIVERSITY OF IBN KHALDOUNGhrib, Asma; Toumi, Khadidja
2020Deconstructing the English Linguistic Practices in EL HARAK’s Slogans; Bi/Multi-lingual Requisite or Plurilinguals Proficiency: Tiaret Speech Community as a Case Study Critical Discourse Analysis.MEDJAHED, Leila
Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 301 à 320 de 474