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Titre: Misogyny in Raï Songs: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Lyrics.
Auteur(s): BELFEDHAL, Malek
MOSTEFAOUI, Meriem Razika
Mots-clés: Misogyny, Algerian Raï songs, Critical Discourse Analysis, Hidden ideologies,
Date de publication: 2021
Editeur: Université Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-
Résumé: The presented dual-focused study is drawn upon two main points. First point introduces the historical background of misogyny with its main related concepts. Then, it represents misogyny in three main different music genres, which are rap, rock and ending by country. Second, the research study integrates misogyny in Algerian Raï songs. The investigation concentrated on the relevant literature and data obtained through a qualitative approach, by applying the three main dimensions of Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough (2013). The findings based on the songs analysis, which revealed the main misogynistic themes and hidden ideologies that were included within Raï songs. Since music is a form of language, we have chosen this topic; therefore, it is related to our specialty (linguistics). At the final point, it ended with a set of recommendations to the future researchers who are familiar with these misogynistic themes.
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