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Résultats 361 à 370 sur un total de 481.
Résultats trouvés : Documents
Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
2019Investigating EFL Learners’ Attitudes towards Assessing the Speaking SkillBENSADOK, Ahmed; HAMIDI, Mustapha
2021A Sociolinguistic Perspective on Regional and Social Dialects in Tiaret a Comparative Study of the Speech of Downtown and SuburbsFreiha Farah Mira, Farah Mira; Djebbar, Meriem
2021Investigating the difficulties encountered by Students of Foreign Languages while Translating from English to Arabic: Case of Second and Third Year Students in the Department of English at Tiaret UniversityMESSABIH Khadidja, Khadidja; MEDJROUD, Ahmed Chafik
2021Exploring the Use of Mobile Device in Improving Listening SkillsBouchedjra, Soumia
2021Investigating the Implementation of Teaching Strategies to Enhance Oral Proficiency among EFL Shy LearnersAMALOU, Amel; BEGHACHE, Hanane; BEKHADDA, Soumaya
2021Investigating Students’ Readiness to Embrace Autonomous Learning in the Era of CoViD 19 Pandemic: IbnKhaldoun University Students as a sampleBOUKHORS, KheiraMouna; BOUMAZA, Mimouna
2021Tiaretian Speakers Attitudes towards Rural Speakers Dialect Case Study: Master Two English Language Students at Ibn Khaldoun University.AISSA, Souad; BELHADJ, Wisssm Sara
2021Discourse Analysis of Code Switching ,code Mixing in the Algerian Society.BENZINEB, Chaima; CHADLI, Aicha
2021Promoting Education for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.KHELIFA, Asmaa; KENTOUR, Faiza
2021Onomastics, proper names, identity, Algerian Community, Tiaret.Ouis, Adem Rachad Lakhdar; Ouari, Djillali