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Title: The effectiveness of cooperative learningin Developing learners' communicative skills.
Other Titles: Case of 1st year BMD students at the English department of Ibn Khaldoun in Tiarety
Authors: SAADET, Hend
DJEBLI, Halima
Keywords: CooperativeLearning,CommunicativeSkills,EFLTeachersandStudents,OralPerformance,GroupWo rk/Pair Work activities.
Issue Date: 16-Jun-2022
Publisher: Université Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-
Abstract: Cooperativelearningisanapproachthatseekstofacilitatelearningandteachingprocess,throughformulating small groups or pairs. So that students work together and collaborate to improve their abilities.Actually many researchers havefound thatthroughcooperativelearning,learners’ haveanopportunity topromote their skills, especially the communicative skills. Hence, this study aims at developing students speakingskill by applying different cooperative learning strategies, also to spot the benefits of cooperative learningonEFLlearners’communicativeskills.Itattemptstoseektheeffectivenessofcooperativelearningintheenhan cementoftheiroralperformance.Theresultsrevealedthatcooperativelearningisnecessaryandsuccessful method that improves learners communicative skills. Moreover, it motivates students to interact andexchangetheirideas.The resultsalsoshowsthatgroup/pairworkactivitiesandtasksareeffectivefordevelopingstudentsoralperformance.
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