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Title: لسانيات الخطاب و معايير القراءة المعاصرة في نحو الجملة الى نحو النص ( دراسة تكاملية)
Authors: عبيدي نصيرة
Keywords: لسانيات الخطاب
اليات القراءة المعاصرة
Issue Date: 11-Dec-2024
Publisher: كلية الآداب و اللغات
Abstract: ماتميزت به لسانيات الخطاب كمنهج معاصر يحاكي الخطاب ذلك المنجز اللغوي يفرض على واقع اللغة التنوع في آليات قراءته عن طريق تبني العديد من النظريات والاستراتيجيات هذا ما سعت اليه هذه الدراسة في اطارها النظري بداية بالقاء الضوء على تموقع الخطاب ضمن الدرس اللساني من خلال حركيته البحثية في الفترة الزمنية الأخيرة ، بداية بنحو الجملة وماافاد منه الدر اللساني رغم وصفه بالقصور المعرفي.
Description: Discourse linguistics stands out as a contemporary approach that reflects this linguistic achievement. It imposes diversity in the mechanisms of language reading by adopting numerous theories and strategies. This is what this study aims to explore within its theoretical framework. It begins by shedding light on the position of discourse within linguistic studies through its recent research movement. It starts with the sentence, despite its description as limited from a cognitive perspective, it has significantly contributed to linguistics. Next, it addresses the text which introduced the main textual standards, primarily seen as a project to create and utilize discourses and texts. This demonstrated the richness of the research field, especially regarding reading mechanisms, which is fundamentally a shared research area across many fields of knowledge. The study continues by examining interactional approaches and their key theories that address language in its daily use. Through textual and interactional approaches, we have interrogated modern methods to question texts and discourses, using the textual and interactional manifestations of discourse. By presenting selected examples, we have reviewed a range of contemporary reading mechanisms and what they can offer anew in discourse analysis, revealing its structure, coherence, and consistency, thus paving the way for a broader study of modern linguistic achievement.
Appears in Collections:Doctorat

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