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Title: تقييم مستوى الصحة النفسية في ميدان العمل
Authors: جريو, وردة
زروقي, سارة
Keywords: الصحة النفسیة
میدان العمل
Issue Date: يون-2023
Publisher: جامعة ابن خلدون-تيارت
Abstract: هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تقییم مستوى الصحة النفسیة لدى الممرضین العاملین بمصلحة تصفیة الدم وأمراض الكلى بلخوجة نور الدین بتیارت، من خلال أبعادها والتي شملت تقبل الذات، الالتزام العام، السعادة، الضغط النفسي والسلوكات الإیجابیة، ولتحقیق أهداف الدراسة تم استخدام المنهج الوصفي وطبقت الدراسة على عینة من الممرضین بلغت( 50 ) ممرضا وممرضة وقد تم التوصل إلى النتائج التالیة: - مستوى الصحة النفسیة متوسط لدى ممرضي مركز تصفیة الدم وأمراض الكلى. مستوى تقبل الذات متوسط لدى ممرضي مركز تصفیة الدم وأمراض الكلى. - مستوى الالتزام العام متوسط لدى ممرضي مركز تصفیة الدم وأمراض الكلى مستوى الضغط النفسي متوسط لدى ممرضي مركز تصفیة الدم وأمراض الكلى. - مستوى السعادة متوسط لدى ممرضي مركز تصفیة الدم وأمراض الكلى مستوى السلوكات الإیجابیة متوسط لدى ممرضي مركز تصفیة الدم وأمراض الكلى.
Description: The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of psychological health among nurses working in the Dialysis and Kidney Diseases Center in Belkhouja Nour Eddine in Tiaret. This was done through various dimensions, including selfacceptance, general commitment, happiness, psychological stress, and positive behaviors. To achieve the study's goals, a descriptive method was used, and the study was conducted on a sample of 50 nurses. The following results were obtained: The level of psychological health among nurses in the Dialysis and Kidney Diseases Center is average. The level of self-acceptance among nurses in the Dialysis and Kidney Diseases Center is average. The level of general commitment among nurses in the Dialysis and Kidney Diseases Center is average. The level of psychological stress among nurses in the Dialysis and Kidney Diseases Center is average. The level of happiness among nurses in the Dialysis and Kidney Diseases Center is average. The level of positive behaviors among nurses in the Dialysis and Kidney Diseases Center is average. There are differences in the level of psychological health among nurses working in the Dialysis and Kidney Diseases Center attributed to gender. There are no differences in the level of psychological health among nurses working in the Dialysis and Kidney Diseases Center attributed to seniority. There are differences in the level of psychological health among nurses working in the Dialysis and Kidney Diseases Center attributed to age. Based on the obtained results and to achieve the overall objective of our study, which is to determine the level of psychological health among workers in the Dialysis Center in Belkhouja Nour Eddine in Tiaret, we propose the following: Focus on work-related mental health by preventing occupational risks, particularly social and psychological risks. Protect and promote mental health in the workplace by providing a psychologist to support employees. Support workers with mental health disorders to participate in work. Take measures to address workers with mental health disorders through meaningful collaboration among management, occupational physicians, psychologists, and workers with experience in mental health disorders
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