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Title: Investigating Students and Teachers Attitudes About The Use Of Role Play To Improve Speaking Skill.
Other Titles: Case Study Second Year BMD Students at Ibn Khaldoun University of Tiaret
Authors: Belbekouche, Sara
Kaddour, Meriem
Keywords: Teaching Speaking- Role Play – Oral Proficiency – Oral Communication- Role Play Implementation.
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Université Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-
Abstract: Speaking is considered as one of the most important skills in the teaching and learning of the foreign languages process. Second year learners are always facing problems and difficulties to master their speaking skill in EFL classes; thus, teachers try to make efforts and create ways in order to solve these challenges. The present study investigates the effect of role play procedure as a teaching technique to develop learner‟s oral proficiency. The main purpose of this research is to point out the effectiveness of role play in the classroom and it helps learners to improve their oral skill. For this purpose, qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect data using a questionnaire for students and an interview for teachers of Oral Expression at the English department of Ibn Khaldoun University. This research is divided into two main sections: a detailed theoretical section divided itself into two separate chapters discussing the concepts of speaking and role play. Second section devoted to the description of the context, the data collection and analysis as well as some recommendations for future uses. Findings showed that role play is neglected in classes due to many reasons among them a lack of time, but learners have a big curiosity to perform it in their classes, even teachers have a positive attitude about it because it is an appropriate and good technique that helps learners communicates better.
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