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Title: Impacts De La Crise Sanitaire Covid-19 Sur Le Transport Aérien -cas Du Groupe Air France-klm-
Authors: Mahdaoui, Hamoudi
Amri, Sami
Keywords: Crise sanitaire
Crise économique
Air france-KLM
Issue Date: 15-Jan-2022
Series/Report no.: مجلة الدراسات التجارية والاقتصادية المعاصرة المجلد 5 العدد 3;
Abstract: Ce papier a pour objectif d’élucider les impacts de la crise sanitaire actuelle sur l’économie mondiale et plus précisément sur le secteur du transport aérien en se penchant sur le cas du groupe franco-néerlandais Air France-KLM. Le Covid-19 a provoqué une crise sociétale multidimensionnelle qui a impacté durement le secteur du transport aérien, car plusieurs compagnies faute de gains pour cause de l’arrêt d’activités, ont procédé à la mise au chômage d’une partie importante de leur personnel. Le groupe objet de notre étude n’a pas échappé à cette crise. Ces pertes nettes seulement pour l’année 2020 ont été estimées à 7,1 milliards d’euros en plus des licenciements. Après deux années de pandémie, Air France reste optimiste pour l'avenir. Elle doit d'abord solder les conséquences du Covid-19 qui lui a encore fait perdre 3,3 milliards d'euros en 2021, en lançant une nouvelle recapitalisation avec l'aide de la puissance publique. This paper aims to elucidate the impacts of the current health crisis on the global economy and more specifically on the air transport sector, the case of the french-duch group Air France-KLM. Covid-19 has caused a multidimensional societal crisis that has had a severe impact on the air transport sector, as several companies for lack of earnings due to the cessation of activities, have laid off a significant part of their staff. The group that is the subject of our study did not escape this crisis. These net losses only for the year 2020 were estimated at 7.1 billion euros. After two years of pandemic, Air France remains optimistic for the future. It must first Seattle the consequences of Covid-19, which again caused it to lose 3.3 billion euros in 2021, by launching a new recapitalization with the help of the public authorities.
Description: Abstract: This paper aims to elucidate the impacts of the currenthealthcrisis on the global economy and more specifically on the air transport sector, the case of the french-duch group Air France-KLM. Covid-19 has caused a multidimensionalsocietalcrisis that has had a severe impact on the air transport sector, as severalcompanies for lack of earnings due to the cessation of activities, have laid off a significant part of their staff. The group that is the subject of our study did not escape this crisis. These net losses only for the year 2020 were estimated at 7.1 billion euros. After two years of pandemic, Air France remains optimistic for the future. It must first Seattle the consequences of Covid-19, which againcaused it to lose 3.3 billion euros in 2021, by launching a new recapitalization with the help of the public authorities. Keywords: Health crisis; Covid-19; Economic crisis; Recession; Air France-KLM.
ISSN: 2716-8972
Appears in Collections:volume 05

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