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Title: An Investigation Of Dialect Variation Change In Frenda Spoken Arabic: Testing The Sedentary-bedouin Hypothesis.
Authors: Hadj, Mahi
Labed, Zohra
Keywords: Frenda Spoken Arabic
Dialect Variation
Dialect Change
Phonological Variation
Bedouin-Sedentary Dichotomy
Language Attitudes
Issue Date: 30-Dec-2021
Publisher: كلية اللغات و الاداب
Series/Report no.: 4 مجلة فصل الخطا ب المجلد 10 العدد;
Abstract: The present investigation undertaken under the Labovian paradigm (1966) of language variation and change is a preliminary attempt to shed light on dialect change in the speech community of Frenda with particular reference to the bedouin-sedentary dichotomy. In this respect, this study examines possible correlation between speakers’ variable linguistic behaviour and other extra-linguistic variables. More particularly, much emphasis is directed toward quantitatively analysing two phonological variables /lqa/ and its variants [lqa] and [lga] and the Arabic standard diphthong /ay/ and its variants the long vowel /-i:/. The total number of population is (59) distributed by (45) male and (14) female speakers aged between 6-80 years old being born and raised in Frenda. Quantitative analysis shows tight correlation between speakers’ linguistic use and social variables namely age and gender. Younger-age speakers lead variation towards sedentary features shifting away from old bedouin variants. Language attitudes represent a driving force towards dialect change as speakers avoid bedouin socially-stigmatised dialectal features and exhibit sedentary socially-accepted ones.
ISSN: 2602-5922
Appears in Collections:مجلة فصل الخطاب

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