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Titre: The Construction Of The Algerians Collective Cultural Identity In Abd Al-hamīd Ibn Badis’s Poem “sha3bo Al Jaza’iri Moslimon: A Stylistic Analysis
Auteur(s): Mehdaoui, Ahmed
Belarbi, Khaled
Mots-clés: Algeria
Cultural Resistance Identity
Ibn Badis
Sha3bo al Jaza’iri Moslimon
Stylistic Analysis
Date de publication: 30-sep-2022
Editeur: كلية اللغات و الاداب
Référence bibliographique: مجلة فصل الخطاب المجلد 11 العدد 3
Résumé: In a time when the French colonialism increased its oppression over the Algerian people, the Algerian elites, like Abd al-Hamīd Ibn Badis, were so disturbed by the French colonialism’s attempts to wipe out the Algerians’ identity. As a sort of cultural resistance, literature, it be oral or written, took a shape of resistance and took charge of reviving the Algerian cultural identity. Ibn Badis’s poem “Sha3bo al Jaza’iri Moslimon”, which had decisive effect in Algeria’s identity and history, attacked the French myth’s Algerie-Francaise by defining the real Algerian people cultural affiliation. In the light of its importance and effect, this study attempts to analyze Ibn Badis’s poem “Sha3bo Al Jaza’iri Moslimon” with regard to its literary style and cultural content.
ISSN: 2602-5922
Collection(s) :مجلة فصل الخطاب

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