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dc.contributor.authorبوطالب, حميدة-
dc.contributor.authorحسين, سعاد-
dc.descriptionBusiness organizations seek to bring as many consumers as possible and to satisfay their needs and requirements ,however, with the openness of the world and the developments it witnessed ,a range of phenomena that affect the consumer behavior have emerged , including the ‘’rumor’’ ,which is the most dangerous phenomena that threaten organizations in particular and the global economy in general. Through this study ,we tried to find out the impact of the rumor on the Algerian consumer behavior ; the results showed that there is an affecting relationship between them.As a recommendation ,business organizations must confront the rumor because of its negative impact on the consumer behavior ,especially in his buying decision processen_US
dc.description.abstractتسعى منظمات الاعمال الى كسب اكبر قدر ممكن من المستهلكين وتلبية حاجاتهم ومتطلباتهم الا انه و بانفتاح العالم وتطورات ادى الى ظهور مجموعة من الظواهر التي تؤثر على سلوكيات المستهلك ومن بينها ظاهرة الاشاعة التي اصبحت منتشرة في الاسواق باعتبارها اخطر الظواهر التي تهدد المنظمات بصفة خاصة والاقتصاد العالمي بصفة عامة.en_US
dc.publisheruniversité ibn khaldoun-tiareten_US
dc.subjectسلوك المستهلك ،الاشاعة ،منظمات الاعمال ،قرار الشراءen_US
dc.titleاثر الاشاعة على سلوك المستهلك الجزائريen_US
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