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Title: مناهج البحث وأدواته من خلال الشبكة العنكبوتية -دراسة ميدانية حول مستوى استخدام مناهج وأدوات البحث من خلال الشبكة العنكبوتية لدى طلبة علم المكتبات جامعة ابن خلدون انموذجا
Authors: حمزاوي, سارة
بوجلطي, لميس
Keywords: البحث
مصادر المعلومات الرقمية
Issue Date: Jul-2021
Publisher: جامعة ابن خلدون-تيارت
Abstract: أخذ البحث عن المعلومات في الشبكة العنكبوتية المجال الواسع من الدراسة لحيثياته وميادين تطبيقه باعتباره الوسيلة الناجعة للوصول الى أدق المعلومات بمختلف تفاصيلها، والتي يتمكن الباحث من خلالها الإجابة عن تساؤولاته بالاعتماد على البيانات من خلال معالجتها وتوظيفها بما يخدم جميع البحوث والإجابة على اشكالياتها، والذي بدوره يعتمد على مجموعة من الأدوات والمناهج المتخصصة والمساعدة للحصول على مايريده الباحث في خطوات متناسقة فيما بينها تضمن حرية الإبحار والبحث في البوابات والمدونات وقواعد البيانات وحتى المواقع الإلكترونية، بالإضافة الى التقنيات التي تشكل الأساس في عملية تضييق نطاق البحث وخوصصة مجاله.
Description: The search for information in the World Wide Web took a wide field of study for its merits and fields of application, as the effective means to access the most accurate information in various details , through which the researcher can answer his questions based on data through processing and employment to serve all research and answer their forms, Which in turn depends on a set of specialized tools and approaches and help to get what the researcher wants in consistent steps among them that ensure freedom of navigation and search portals, blogs, databases and even websites, in addition to the techniques that form the basis in the process of narrowing the scope of research and privatization of his field . The aim of this study is to both know and determine what the search for information and discover his skills in the internet , and identify the most important sources of digital information that are searched to reach the required information, and also identify the most important factors, methods and approaches that help to take the right information and from its reliable source, the most important goal that made us study this problem is to focus on the need to use research techniques and tools and the imperative of acquiring his skills among students of library and Information Science at Ibn Khaldun University. After theoretical and applied study of the level of use of methods and research tools through the World Wide Web among students of library and Information Science at Ibn Khaldun University and within the framework of the hypotheses presented, we reached a number of results that resulted in a conclusion centered in the search for information in the network needs training and training to acquire sufficient skills to deal with the contents of the network, especially among students of library science who will have an active role in the management of libraries and information centers, especially what has become witnessed by modern technological developments this is what Ibn Khaldun University seeks to develop ways of specialization and raise the level of performance and qualifications of students of library and Information Science.
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