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Title: Intergration des services métiers des entreprises via un workflow flexible .
Authors: Toumi, Mustapha Abderrahmane
Keywords: .
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Université Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-
Abstract: Web APIs Lifecycle has become a driver for business in various domains (e.g. CRM, marketing platforms, etc.), hence, the way in which organizations use of Web Services to introduce the various functionalities for their E-business systems using API components (e.g. Magento, Shopify, Paypal). TheWeb APIs Liefcycle process requires a deep knowledge related to many aspects: RESTful API, DevOps, Agile methodologies, framework and tools such as Unit testing factors of basic functionality, etc, currently, the development of Web APIs is still time-expensive due to the time allowed for developing and integrating in order to obtain API. close to the practical usages of Business Process. Moreover, an API can concern simultaneously many resources, hence its development may require it to be done on a collaborative way between actors who are consumers or customers, API manager, software architect, developers who complement each-other, since each one of them can be an expert in a particular resource domain, In this theses, we propose a framework which helps and assist API stakeholders in the phases of the API lifecycle, to work collaboratively and enables them to automatize and ease the traditional workflow dedicated to carry on the workoflow an API lifecycle through E-business Process. This framework is implemented as model-based infrastructure thanks to model-driven engineering settings, in contrast, also we provide a prototype of a system to interact with the API Lifecycle process.
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