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Titre: Les Systèmes Multi-Robot coopératifs : Développement d‘un lexique de communication.
Auteur(s): SEBTI, Sarra
MEHIZEL, Sara Nour Elyakin
Mots-clés: Artificial agents, communication, cooperation, percision, categorization, language games, naming games, common lexicon, meanings, perceptions
Date de publication: 2020
Editeur: Université Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-
Résumé: Social learning, which enables individuals to learn fromeach other, is a powerful mechanism in social animals, including humans, that doesn‘t differ much for artificial agents as they represent the replacements of humans. It could be difficult for these agents to communicate in an unknown environment for they don‘t perceive nor categorize the objects in the same way. The concept of Language-Naming games is a mechanism to allow agents to selforganize in order to develop a shared and common lexicon, so they have to coordinate and cooperate to name the encountered objects corehently and nonambiguously. To successfully communicate,agents must have access to the shared memory that contains perceptions and their assigned meanings
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