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Title: Numerical Implementation of The Analysis and Maximas Detection Function of a Shaped Temporal Signal in Gamma-Ray (γ) Spectroscopy Chain
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Université Ibn Khaldoun Tiaret
Abstract: The aim of the work in this thesis is to make a digital nuclear spectrometer for gamma rays that are usually emitted during nuclear reactions. The design of the spectrometer requires taking into account the various phenomena that effect the accuracy of the measurement, such as electronic noise and the accumulation of pulses in high radioactivity, by digitally processing the received signal from the sensor. Therefore, it corrects the errors in order to increase the resolution of the spectrometer. This was done in through a theoretical study of the system, the simulation on MATLAB and also the implementation of the digital gamma spectrometer, where the Zedboard board that combine an FPGA and processor was programmed to digitally process the signal and classify the obtained results that will be received later by the computer to display the spectrum of the gamma ray source.
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