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Titre: Investigating the Types and the Strategies of Speech Act of Request in EFL Classes.
Auteur(s): Mekboul, Mohamed El Ghazali
Miloudi, Oussama
Mots-clés: politeness, request, speech act, pragmatics.
Date de publication: 30-jui-2022
Editeur: Université Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-
Résumé: The purpose of this study is to provide light on the usage of request strategies. In this regard, the current study takes a closer look on the usages and strategies of request by Master one EFL classes at Ibn Khaldoun University of Tiaret. The focus of this study is on the request ways that students’ speakers use to communicate their respect and desire for something, as well as to avoid threatening acts when discussing specific topics; thus. The findings of this research revealed that request is an indelible feature of EFL students, to show respect and preserve their faces, EFL students used request practices in classrooms.
Collection(s) :Master

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