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Title: Discourse Analysis of Language as a Tool in Political Speeches.
Authors: BOUNOUAR, Abdelkader
MAMOURI, Sid ahmed Mokhtar
Keywords: political discourse analysis , data analysis, USA-Russia relations, Body language. Discourse analysis
Issue Date: 7-يول-2022
Publisher: Université Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-
Abstract: Political discourse defines the language in others‘ views, which is the use of the language in a particular type of discourse; the major concern of this study is the relationship between language and politics. The current study intends to explore the necessity for studying language in different perspectives using linguistic analysis. It aims at analyzing discourses of three participants namely: the two USA presidents; (Donald Trump, Joe Biden), and the Russian president (Vladimir Putin). The choice is based on the fact that they represent the most recent politicians contributing in shaping the USA-Russian relations. Moreover, analyzing a political context leads us to know the value and implications of language in public meetings. The researcher employed a descriptive method acting in qualitative data gathering by analyzing audiovisual speeches of the participants for the assessment of a double objective at once; On the one hand, it is an opened research to keep abreast with political developments between these two great states. On the other hand, it is a linguistic study to the speeches through discourse analysis. Given that the United States is a strong nation with the capacity to affect events in other nations. Findings draw attention to the complicated relation between USA and Russia by analyzing speeches of the three figures.
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