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Titre: An Investigative Analysis of the Process of LanguageAcquisition in Algeria
Auteur(s): OUIDAH, Linda
SOUSSI, Meriem Baya Owarda
Mots-clés: The English Language, Language Acquisition, Algerian Educational System.
Date de publication: 22-jui-2022
Editeur: Université Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-
Résumé: Nowadays the English language has become the most used language in the world. The Algerian educational system has always had ambitious plans to improve the teaching and learning of English. However, pupils find it hard to acquire that language. Thus,this study seeks to investigate the difficulties encountered by pupils in learning English.It also aims at suggesting some solutions to overcome these problems and facilitate the processes of language acquisitions. This research Analyze the pupils’ difficulties in acquiring the English language. It Analyze what are the pupils’ difficulties in acquiring the English language; what are the factors of pupils’ difficulties in acquiring the Englishlanguage.
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