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Title: Exploring the Relation between Mindsets and Foreign Language Anxiety.
Authors: Yiahiaoui, Benaissa
Youcefi, Omar El Farouk
Keywords: Mindset, Foreign Language, Anxiety, Language Mindset, Second Language Anxiety
Issue Date: 14-Jun-2022
Publisher: Université Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-
Abstract: Students‘ Language Mindsets and Anxiety impact in a way or another their ability to learn a second language. While both Language Mindset and Foreign Language Anxiety have been studied individually, their relationship to each other has yet to be explored. Taking ―Mindset‖ as an influential psychological concept that has had a wide impact on Language and ―Anxiety‖ as a central effective factor to the acquisition and learning of language, this study aimed at investigating the relationship these two share. The findings at the end represent somehow a null correlation between them.
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