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Résultats 1071 à 1080 sur un total de 2429.
Résultats trouvés : Documents
Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
2020Mixing between American and British English in Academic Writing.KHITER keltoum yassmine, keltoum yassmine; MOHAMMEDI, Fatima Zohra
2020Gender Differences within Speech and Vocabulary in Tiaret.HEDDLI, Messaouda Ikram; SAFA, Ismahane
2006شعرية الخطاب الروائي في ثلاثية أحلام مستغانمييعقوبي, قداوية
2020Investigating English Language Teaching and Learning in Algerian Rural Areas: Learners’ Obstacles & Teachers’ Challenges. BENSENOUCI Brahim Secondary School in Rahouia as a SampleGHLAMALLAH, Mohamed Aamine; BOUKHALOUA, Mohamed Aamine
2020Exploring Language Attrition in Algeria: The Erosion of Modern Standard Arabic.CHACHOUA, Sarra; CHAMI, Khadidja
2020nvestigating Teacher’s Awareness and his Role when Dealing with Mixed-Ability Classes.BENSAID, Amira; BENGUIT, Nora
2020Investigating the Role of Plays in Reducing EFL Learners' Speaking Anxiety.DERNAOUI, Khadidja; ALLALI, Safia
2020Exploring EFL Learners’ Reluctance to the Classroom Interaction Practice.AHMED AMMAR, Djihane; BELHAOUARI, Nourelhouda Rym
2020Written Grammatical Errors made by Algerain EFL Learners at the Middle School: An Investigation of L1 Transfer through Error Analysis.SAIDANI, CHAHINEZ; BENELHADJ DJELLOUL, SARRA
2020The Role of Algerian Second Generation Textbooks in the Digital Era: Students’ Expectations and Teachers’ Use of First year Middle school Textbook of English.BOUDOUISSA, Soumia; RAHMANI, Fatiha