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dc.contributor.authorسمية ستره, بو سعيد-
dc.descriptionChild labour is a widespread global phenomenon, involving informal employment in the nonformal sector. It has a long history, expanding notably after the industrial revolution. Child labour is driven by various social, economic, educational, and legal factors. It is a significant problem, as indicated by statistics, and international organizations have worked to mitigate it through numerous laws. The situation of child labour does not vary significantly across different countries worldwide; it also has dimensions and a history within Algerian society. The aim of this study, focused on child labor in Algeria, particularly in the city of Tiaret, is to understand the economic level and social conditions faced by this segment and to raise awareness about the prevalence of this phenomenon and the risks it poses to working children. Shedding light on informal labour and the exploitation of children, the research utilized data collection tools such as questionnaires and observation. The study sample consisted of 42 participants selected through purposive sampling. One of the main findings of the study is the significant impact of work on a child's schooling and academic achievement. Additionally, the social and economic conditions of the family also play a role in a child's entry into the workforce. Furthermore, the study reveals that most working children are vulnerable to injuries and health problems.en_US
dc.description.abstractتمثلت هذه الدراسة في موضوع عمالة الاطفال في الجزائر:دراسة ميدانية – بمدينة تيارت ،حيث ان عمالة الاطفال من الظواهر المنتشرة عالميا فهي عمالة غَيررسمية تزاول في القطاع الغَيرالرسمي، لها تاريخ قديم شهدت توسعا بعد الثورةالصناعية من اهم النتائج المتوصل اليها للعمل اثر واضخ على تمدرس الطفل وتحصيله التعليمي ،الظروف الاجتماعية والاقتصادية للاسرة كذلك لها دور كبير في خروج الطفل للعمل ومن نتائج الدراسة ان اغلب الاطفال العاملون معرضون للاصابات والمشاكل الصحيةen_US
dc.publisheruniversité ibn khaldoun-tiareten_US
dc.subjectعمالة الاطفال ، عمالة غَيررسميةen_US
dc.subjectلظروف الاجتماعية و الاقتصادية ، المخاطرen_US
dc.titleعمالة الاطفال في الجزائر:دراسة ميدانية – بمدينة تيارتen_US
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