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dc.contributor.authorفاطمة, تواتي-
dc.contributor.authorفاطمة, فراج-
dc.descriptionThis study touched on the issue of the work environment and its relationship to job performance in educational institutions. The work environment is an important element that directly affects job performance in educational institutions. The work environment includes a group of physical and moral factors that affect employees, such as the physical conditions of the place, organizational culture, Relationships between colleagues and administrative support, such as providing comfortable work spaces and appropriate equipment in the physical environment, play a major role in improving employee performance. The moral environment also plays a pivotal role in enhancing job performance and the presence of good lighting. Based on this, it can be said that improving the work environment in educational institutions contributes significantly to raising the level of job performance. By providing a comfortable and supportive work environment, educational institutions can attract and retain outstanding employees, which reflects positively on the quality of education provided to students. Therefore, investing in improving the work environment is a necessary strategic step to achieve outstanding performance in educational institutions.en_US
dc.description.abstractتطرقت هذه الدراسة الى موضوعبيئة العمل وعلاقتها بالاداء الوظيفي في المؤسسات التربوية،يمكن القول أن تحسين بيئة العمل في المؤسسات التعليميـة يسـهم بشـكل كبـيرفي فــع مســتوى الاداء الــوظيفي. مــن خــلال تــوفير بيئــة عمــل مريحـة وداعمــةen_US
dc.publisheruniversité ibn khaldoun-tiareten_US
dc.subjectالاداء الوظيفيen_US
dc.subjectالمؤسسات التربويةen_US
dc.titleبيئة العمل وعلاقتها بالاداء الوظيفي في المؤسسات التربويةen_US
Collection(s) :Master

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