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Title: ماسينيسا و يوبا الثاني بين جهد الإثبات و واقع الإحتلال الروماني
Authors: عطاء الله, فاطمة الزهراء
مشري, مشري
مبارك, نصيرة
Keywords: المغرب القديم
يوبا الثاني
الملوك النوميدية
Issue Date: يون-2022
Publisher: جامعة ابن خلدون-تيارت
Abstract: تعد الحروب البونية من اهم الصراعات في التاريخ القديم وذلك لجمعها بين اكبر امبراطوريتان متنافستان في العالم القديم على الحوض الغربي للبحر المتوسط الذي يعد من اهم مناطق النفوذ لكلا المتصارعين ، حيث ان لهذه الحروب اثر على بلاد المغرب وخاصة الحرب الثاية 2018ق. م.-202ق. م. لما لها من انعكاسات على المنطقة وتطورها السياسي والاقتصادي.
Description: The Punic Wars are one of the Most important conflicts in Ancient history, due to the fact that They brought together the two largest rival empires in the Ancient world over the western basin of the Méditerranéen, which Is one of the Most important areas of influence for Booth contenders, as these Wars had an impact on the Maghreb, especially the second war (218 BC-AD). 202 BC) because of its répercussions on the region and its political and economic development. These Wars were an opportunity for the rise of the Moroccans and the émergence of their political entities (Numidia Eastern and Numidien Western), and shed light on their kingdoms and the Romans look advantage of the opportunity of enmity between the two parties and eliminating each other and their neighbor Carthage, and these kingdoms played a role in bringing down the Carthaginian giant in 146 BC. M and imposing Roman domination on Morocco. Despite the Masinissa emblem of Africa for the Africans, he had a hand in the Roman occupation, despite the establishment of a unified Numidian state and the success of his economic and commercial project and linking the Numidian kingdom to the outside world. Eliminated by rulers loyal to Rome to the last king of Numidian Ptolemy. Wa find that King Gaya was right when he said, “The fire of a near enemy is better than the alliance of a friend from afar”.
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