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Title: تطور المدن الفينيقية والمدن الإغريقية في المغرب القديم –دراسة مقارنة
Authors: محجوب, أحلام
فروج, خيرة
مطي, إيمان
Keywords: بلاد المغرب القديم
أصول الفينيقيين
تطور المدن الإغريقية
Issue Date: يون-2022
Publisher: جامعة ابن خلدون-تيارت
Abstract: يعد تاريخ المغرب القديم تاريخ حافل بالأحداث غني بتراثه وحضاراته ويرجع ذلك الى موقعه الجغرافي المتميز في وسط القارات الثلاث افريقيا أوروبا و أسيا مما جعله على اتصال بالحضارات والثقافات الأخرى، فأثر وتأثر ب رياح التغير الحضاري، وأول تغير مسها كان ذو طابع سامي شرقي، اتجه من الشرق وبالضبط من فينيقيا باتجاه الغرب ليستقر بها المقام في البلدان الساحلية لبلاد المغرب القديم.
Description: The history of ancient Morocco is full of events, rich in its heritage and civilizations, due to its distinguished geographical location in the middle of the three continents, Africa, Europe and Asia, which made it in contact with other civilizations and cultures. Exactly from Phenicia towards the west to settle in the coastal countries of the old Maghreb. The Phoenicians worked to establish their presence in the region by establishing the most famous settlement, the settlement of Carthage (814 BC. AD), which became a large empire that ruled the shores of the Maghreb, and played an important role in expanding and concentrating the Phoenician settlement in the western Mediterranean, which led to the emergence of a good relationship that brought together the element The local lobby with the incoming Carthaginian element. The delegations to the ancient Maghreb region were not limited to the Phoenicians only, but the Greeks as well, who continued their expansion and expansion and established settlement areas in the region, and the first settlement is "Qurenaia" because of the importance of the strategic location, which the Greek settlers exploited and worked to strengthen it to be one of the important Greek sites. Both civilizations met in one area and interacted with each other, which resulted in this interaction relations in various fields (religious, economic, military, ...) represented in agreement sometimes and disagreement at other times.
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