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Title: دور النيابة العامة في ظل تعديلات قانون الإجراءات الجزائية
Authors: بودالي, بن يحي
بوبكر, عامر
Keywords: النيابة العامة
مرحلة التحري
اختصاصات النيابة العامة
Issue Date: Jun-2023
Publisher: جامعة ابن خلدون-تيارت
Abstract: ينشأ عن ارتكاب الجريمة ضرر عام يسمح للسلطة العامة بالتدخل والمطالبة بتوقيع العقاب المقرر لها وينشئ لها حقا تباشرها النيابة العامة باعتبارها ممثلا للمجتمع والتي منحها المشرع كاختصاص أصيل تنفرد به، غير ان المشرع وفي حالة استثنائية قيد حق النيابة العامة الحق في انهاء الدعوة العمومية دون اللجوء الى القضاء وفق حالات محددة وفي خلافها فان النيابة العامة تقوم الى القضاء للفصل فيها.
Description: Committing a crime results in a general damage that allows the public authority to intervene and demand the punishment set for it and therefore a right would be established to it that can be initiated through the public lawsuit, which is undertaken by the Public Prosecution as a representative of society and which the legislator has granted as a genuine unique jurisdiction. However, the legislator, in exceptional cases, restricted to the public prosecution's right to initiate a public suit and granted individuals the right to initiate that suit. It also granted the public prosecution the right to end the suit without resorting to the judiciary according to specific cases. Otherwise, the public prosecution office goes to the judiciary to take a decision by referring it to the court or referring it to the investigating judge. From here it becomes clear that the Public Prosecution has expanded its powers in the field of transferring a public case, but its powers in the field of initiating a public case are diminished. So its role is limited to submitting requests or appealing the orders of the investigating where we find that the authority of the public prosecution in the field of public lawsuit varies from stage to stage and it is not an absolute authority.judge or the judgments and decisions issued by the judicial authorities
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