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Title: المسؤولية الجزائية للطبيب عن عملية التجميل
Authors: أوسيف, خديجة
بالطيب, أسماء
Keywords: الجراحة التجمیلیة
المسؤولیة الجزائیة لجراح التجمیل
Issue Date: يون-2023
Publisher: جامعة ابن خلدون-تيارت
Abstract: تعتبر الجراحات العامة من أهم الأعمال الطبية التي فيها مساس مباشر بجسم الإنسان من أجل العلاج فهي تكتسي أهمية خاصة لما يترتب عليها من آثار وأعراض، تثير تساؤلات كثيرة من قبل وبعد مباشرتها ، ولا شك ان هذا النوع من التدخلات الجراحية يتطلب جانبا من الدقة والعناية والحيطة مما يجعل المسؤولية الجزائية للطبيب الجراح ذات اهمية خاصة، وتعد الجراحة من بين أكثر الجراحات التي اهتم بها المجتمع البشري منذ القديم، نظرا لأهميتها البالغة في تحقيق السعادة والراحة النفسية للإنسان.
Description: General surgeries are considered one of the most important medical procedures that involve direct treatment of the human body, as they are of particular importance due to their effects and symptoms. It raises many questions before and after its initiation, and there is no doubt that this type of surgical intervention requires an aspect of accuracy, care and caution, which makes the criminal responsibility of the surgeon of special importance, and plastic surgery is among the most important surgeries that human society has paid attention to since ancient times, given its extreme importance in Achieving human happiness and psychological comfort The study dealt with the issue of the criminal liability of the doctor, and the concept of plastic surgery, both reconstructive and ameliorative, was investigated, and the legality of plastic surgery and the conditions for its practice and the nature of the commitment of the plastic surgeon that goes beyond that treatment and examination to reach the degree of achieving the result that the patient wants, and the study of the legality of the cosmetic operations that fall within it. The conditions of its practice and the nature of the doctor’s obligation, which is represented in exerting care and achieving the result. When the surgeon performs cosmetic operations, he may commit crimes, whether intentional or by mistake, because of his negligence, carelessness, and negligence by studying the legal framework for the criminal responsibility of the doctor and knowing how the judiciary deals with this responsibility in the event that it is carried out In this case, the patient or the injured person has only to prove it, and sometimes the proof falls on the doctor, and therefore if the crime is proven, a penalty is imposed on it. Depending on the type of crime, it is either imprisonment or a fine.
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