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Titre: أساس المسؤولية الجزائية لجرائم الشركات التجارية
Auteur(s): دحو, خديجة
دهلي, حبيبة
Mots-clés: المسؤولية الجنائية
الشخصية الاعتبارية
الشركات التجارية
Date de publication: jui-2023
Editeur: جامعة ابن خلدون-تيارت
Résumé: مسؤولية الشركات التجارية في الجانب الجنائي هي مفهوم قانوني يحدد امكانية مساءلة الشركات او المؤسسات التجارية جنائيا عن الجرائم التي ترتكب في اطار أنشطتها. تاريخيا كان يتم ملاحقة ومساءلة الأفراد جنائيا فقط عن افعالهم الاجرامية ومع طفرة قانون الأعمال وتزايد الوعي بضرورة مساءلة الشركات اصبحت مسؤولية الشركات التجارية جزائيا واقعا في العديد من البلدان.
Description: Corporate criminal liability is a legal concept that determines the possibility of holding corporations or commercial entities criminally accountable for crimes committed within the scope of their activities. Historically, only individuals were pursued and held criminally responsible for their criminal actions. However, with the evolution of business law and increased awareness of the need to hold corporations accountable, corporate criminal liability has become a reality in many countries Corporate criminal liability is based on the principle that a corporation can be considered an independent entity separate from its directors, employees, and shareholders. Therefore, if a criminal offense is committed within the company's operations, it can be prosecuted and tried independently of the individuals associated with it. The specific criminal offenses for which corporations can be held accountable vary according to national legislation, but they typically include acts such as fraud, bribery, money laundering, tax evasion, environmental violations, human rights abuses, forgery, unfair competition, and others. When a corporation is criminally prosecuted, it can face severe penalties, including hefty fines, asset seizure, dissolution of the
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