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Title: التمكين وعلاقته بالاستقرار المهني في المؤسسة الجزائرية -دراسة حالة مديرية جامعة ابن خلدون تيارت
Authors: بن براهيم, وفاء
بولعباس, رشا
Keywords: التمكين
الاستقرار المهني
اتخاذ القرار
Issue Date: يون-2023
Publisher: جامعة ابن خلدون-تيارت
Abstract: لقد ركزت هذه الدراسة على التمكين الإداري والاستقرار المهني والتي سمحت بالكشف عن مختلف الاهتمامات بالتنظيم في المؤسسات من الجانب المادي والمعنوي معبرة عنها بايجاد اساليب تمنحها الاستقرار والتوازن وتحقيق اهدافها التي وجدت من اجلها فكان لابد ان تسلط الضوء على العنصر البشري الذي يتوقف عليه نجاحها ومن بين هذه الاساليب التي تعد منهجا للاصلاح الاداري في المؤسسات يعتبر تمكين إداري اكثر.
Description: This study focused its attention on empowerment implementation and professional stability, which allowed the detection of various concerns of organization in institutions from the material and moral side, expressed by finding methods that give them stability and balance and achieving and achieving their goals for which they were found. It was necessary to shed light on the human element on which its success depends. Among these methods, which are an approach to administrative reform in institutions, administrative empowerment is considered more practical and successful to achieve stability within the institution, which is concerned with human resources, education and training to make them adapt to rapidly changing organizational factors. Therefore, a culture of empowerment is necessary in order to keep pace with the development and prosperity that occurs in institutions What makes us reveal the theoretical approaches to this management concept Contemporary and theoretical knowledge that degrades empowerment and occupational stability, whether classic, modern or contemporary, and has led us to reveal this studied relationship through field investigation on the research community for all concerned individuals and the representative and administrative representatives of the university directors of Ibn Khaldun Tiaret. During the study, there is a relationship between the employee's opportunities to participate in decision-making, professional stability, effective communication between senior management and employees, and finally the administrative delegation of part of the authority to employees, and professional stability within the attempt of professional stability within its attempt to achieve even a small part of what we aimed for in this modest work.
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