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Title: The Impact of a Detrimental Bullying Environment in Schools on Students' Behaviour and Academic Performance Case of study : 4th grade middle school students
Authors: HAMEURLAINE, Islam
GASMI, Ikram
Keywords: academic performance, behaviour,school bullying, educational, effects impact, learners.
Issue Date: 9-Jul-2023
Publisher: Université IBN KHALDOUN- Tiaret
Abstract: Bullying is a pervasive issue that continues to plague schools across the globe, and middle school is often a critical period where this behavior manifests. Middle school bullying can take various forms , including physical , verbal and social aggression. The purpose of this dissertation is to look into the effects of a negative school bullying environment on learners’ behavious and academic performance and achievements. This research uses mixed-methods approach. Data is gathered using two instruments : a questionnaire for students and interviews with teachers and students. This study includes 86 students from various classrooms and four interviewees Including two students and two teachers from the same middle school. The results of the data collection indicate that a bullying-prone environment in schools has a negative impact on students’ behaviour , including lowering self-esteem, causing loneliness, mental health problems, aggression, and self-harm. It also has a negative impact on students’ academic performance by lowering motivation, concentration and attention, which results in absenteeism, which impacts students’ grades and academic achievements. Schools need to instill excellent principles and run awareness programs to lessen this occurrence.
Description: Cette mémoire comprend une étude sur le phénomène de l’intimidation dans les écoles et ses effets sur le comportement et la psychologie des élèves algériens, a in si que sur leurs performances scolaires, afin de trouver des solutions possibles pour le réduire. L’intimidation a un impact négatif sur les élèves dans les écoles, leur causant des problèmes psychologiques qui entraînent à leur tour des problèmes physiques, ce qui affecte leur performance académique. Pour étayer les hypothèses, des donnée sont été collectées à l’aide de questionnaires d’élèves, d’entretiens avec des élèves et des enseignants. Tout es ces techniques ont confirmé que l’intimidation est un problème grave qui doit être étudié et non ridiculisé, et que toutes les solutions possibles doivent être trouvées le plus rapidement possible.
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