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Title: The impact of COVID-19 on English Language during the Pandemic, a Stylistic of Neologism.
Authors: ABDELLAH, Chaimaa
Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, English language, neologisms, stylistic analysis, language change.
Issue Date: 9-Jul-2023
Publisher: Université IBN KHALDOUN- Tiaret
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound influence on various aspects of society including language use and communication patterns. This dissertation aims to investigate the impact of the pandemic on the English language through a stylistic analysis of neologisms. Neologisms, as newly coined words or phrases, serve as linguistic reflections of social changes and cultural context. This study employs a qualitative approach incorporating textual analysis of neologisms used during COVID-19 pandemic, such as "social distancing", "flatten the curve" and "COVIDiot." These examples are analyzed to identify and interpret the stylistic features and strategies employed through highlighting their function in conveying complex concepts and emotions. The COVID-19 pandemic led to the emergence of neologisms and slang words, reflecting linguistic shifts and societal, cultural and behavioural changes. Hence, the study of neologisms revealed how language changed to describe and deal with unique conditions and difficulties. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of these new terms can present difficulties for individuals. However, by comprehending the relationship between language, social change, and communication in times of worldwide crises, we can enhance our grasp of the broader societal consequences of the pandemic.
Description: La pandémie de COVID-19 a entraîné des changements importants dans l'utilisation du langage et les modes de communication, nécessitant des adaptations linguistiques pour décrire et naviguer avec précision dans les circonstances uniques du virus. De nouveaux néologismes décrivent de nouveaux concepts et expériences liés à la pandémie, tandis que les modes de communication subissent des transformations importantes. Les néologismes, les acronymes et les termes d'argot sont devenus des raccourcis linguistiques, permettant une communication efficace et concise. Des abréviations comme " PEE" et " SARS-CoV-2 " sont devenues courantes, simplifiant les discussions sur les mesures de protection et le virus. Cette thèse vise à faire la lumière sur l'interaction dynamique entre la pandémie et la langue, en offrant un aperçu de l'impact sociétal plus large de la crise et de la manière dont les individus s'adaptent et communiquent en période d'incertitude mondiale.
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