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Title: Exploring the Linguistic Challenges to Maintain National Identity The Case of Tiaret Province.
Authors: ZOBEIDI, Manel Fatima
MADANI, Mustapha
Keywords: National identity, linguistic challenges, citizens, teaching / learning foreign languages, Tiaret province
Issue Date: 19-يون-2023
Publisher: Université IBN KHALDOUN- Tiaret
Abstract: In order to understand how the various languages are related linguistically and socially, as well as the possible effects of linguistic challenges on an individual’s identity, this study aims to investigate the use of these linguistic challenges in Tiaret province. The goal is to create better methods of teaching/ learning languages, as well as encouraging citizens to maintain their national identity. There are three significant chapters in the current dissertation. There will be two sections in the first chapter, which will be theoretical in character, in the first section we focuses on the linguistic situation in Algeria, while the second section delves into the nation’s identity. A combination of research tools, including both quantitative and qualitative methods, is employed. As part of this approach, a questionnaire is distributed to the workers of the hospital, pupils of secondary school, students at Ibn Khaldoun University (both license and master) and neighbours and members of family from all ages. In addition, observation sessions on Salah Belkhoudja hospital, Raid Si Zoubir secondary school, Ibn Khaldoun University ( English Department ), and neighbourhood, in order to get useful data about people’s reflection about the use of foreign languages in maintaining national identity. The results reveal that language barriers endanger the province of Tiaret's unity and identity, moreover the use of indigenous languages is declining because of globalization and the dominance of international languages like English, which promote the preference for foreign languages, therefore the national identity of the province is further impacted by this.
Description: Cette étude examine les défis linguistiques dans la province de Tiaret, dans le but d'améliorer les méthodes d'enseignement/apprentissage des langues et de préserver l'identité nationale. Elle se compose de trois chapitres utilisant des méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives, incluant des questionnaires et des observations. Les résultats révèlent des barrières linguistiques et un déclin des langues autochtones, impactant l'identité de la province.
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