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Title: Examining Algerian morphological errors in English writing Case of study: First year University Students.
Authors: ABDESSALAM, Razika Lilia
Keywords: morphological errors, second language acquisition, contrastive error analysis, writing production.
Issue Date: 10-يول-2023
Publisher: Université IBN KHALDOUN- Tiaret
Abstract: The present study investigates an issue related to word morphology. It is to identify and analyze the morphological errors students make in their writing. The study is based on the contrastive error analysis procedure. The research method used includes an evaluation test in the form of composition, a questionnaire administered to 36 students, and a checklist answered by teachers. The questionnaire contains questions related to students' writing experiences, their use of English, and their perceptions of their own writing abilities. The data collected from the three methods are analyzed to identify the types and frequency of morphological errors made by the students. The findings of the study reveal that Algerian students make a significant number of morphological errors in their writing, which can negatively impact their writing production. The most frequent errors made are those related to the inflection and derivation of words, the use of articles, and prepositions. These errors are mostly related to students’ ignorance of the English rules restrictions and thus need to be deeply investigated by an important means namely error analysis. The study contributes to the body of knowledge on second language acquisition and provides a foundation for future research in the area of morphological errors in second language writing.
Description: Cette étude explore les erreurs morphologiques dans l'écriture des étudiants algériens et utilise une analyse d'erreurs contrastive pour les identifier et les analyser. Les méthodes de recherche incluent un test d'évaluation de la composition, un questionnaire et une liste de contrôle remplis par les enseignants d'anglais de l'université Ibn Khaldoun à Tiaret. Les données collectées sont analysées pour identifier les types et la fréquence des erreurs. Les résultats révèlent des erreurs fréquentes dans l'inflexion, la dérivation, les articles et les prépositions, ayant un impact négatif sur la production écrite. Cette recherche contribue à la connaissance de l'acquisition de la seconde langue et souligne l'importance de l'analyse d'erreurs pour y remédier.
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