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Titre: من ملامح النظرية التعليمية في كتاب الحيواف للجاحظ
Auteur(s): بوطالب اكرام
فتح الله نور الايمان
Mots-clés: النظرية التعليمية
كتب الحيوان
Date de publication: 26-jui-2023
Editeur: جامعة ابن خلدون تيارت كلية الآداب و اللغات
Description: In our research, we touched of the educational view through aljhahid book « animal » in which we tackled the educational theory as a general and specific concept. And we highlighted how it was in the past modern, Arab and western, proving that according to a group of researchers, scientific and philosophers, Including western, and we devoted a spasific set of different educational theories to this, we also projected that on a sample of al j-hahiz animal book to prove that.
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