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Titre: التقنين في أدب الطفل - القصة أنموذجا -
Auteur(s): خديجة, حلوز
سعاد, بلقنيشي
Mots-clés: ادب الطفل
Date de publication: 22-jui-2023
Editeur: جامعة ابن خلدون تيارت كلية الآداب و اللغات
Résumé: ان ادب الطفولة احد الانواع الادبية المستحدثة في الآداب الانسانية، فالطفولة هي الغرس المأمول لبناء مستقبل الأمة ، حيث يعمل هذا الادب نشتى وسائطه على بناء الطفل.
Description: The art of child stage is one of human art types which contribute through: stories, poetries and stages to build the child by the way in jucting and ideas. The story is one of supreme means of this literature, it has a conditions and forms to develop the children’s Because of the difference in attitudes, needs and motivations of children in their various stages of development, it is necessary to codify the literature present of them, so that they fit in their form content with these phenomena at every stage. This is what we have dealt with in both theoretical and practical aspects in order to reveal rationing as an element of quality.
Collection(s) :Master

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