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Title: مشكلات المجتمع الحضري
Authors: بريقل, هاشمي
Keywords: المجتمع الحضري
Issue Date: 1-ديس-2017
Publisher: جامعة ابن خلدون-تيارت
Series/Report no.: مجلة الخلدونية;Volume 10, Numéro 2
Abstract: التحضر من المواضيع التي شاع التداول فيها من القدم، فقد شهد العالم خلال القرن التاسع عشر نموا حضريا لم يسبق له مثيل، ذلك جراء الثورة الصناعية التي ظهرت في تلك الفترة في مختلف المدن التي هي في نهاية الامر تلخيص لنضال الانسان في مواجهة الطبيعة ومايتصل بها من اخفاق ونجاح.
Description: Urbanization is one of the topics that has become commonplace since ancient times. During the nineteenth century, the world witnessed an unprecedented urban growth. This was due to the industrial revolution that emerged during that period in various cities, which is ultimately a summary of human struggle against nature and related issues. Of failure and success. Urbanization is a type of change in societies and their way of life. The movement of people from rural to urban areas, or so-called internal migration, has been a phenomenon that has been associated with the growth of the world population in historical decades and is one of the social factors of urban growth. Historical historical evidence confirms that cities are going through long periods of transition from phase to stage, at the same pace as the process of consumption and production
Appears in Collections:المجلد العاشر/ العدد 2

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