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Titre: Investigating the Gap between Expectation and Reality in Reflective Teaching: Secondary School Teachers as a Study Case.
Auteur(s): BEHTANI, Anfel amina
GHALI, Chahinez
Mots-clés: Daily practice; EFL teachers,reflective teaching,teachers’ daily copybook, unstructured reflection.
Date de publication: 2020
Editeur: Université Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-
Résumé: This study is a detailed examination of reflection in teachers’ daily practicum. The general understanding claims that reflection is one of the processes that improve both teachers’ classroom performances and professional development. However, what is intended to be found at the end of this research exploration is whether EFL secondary school teachers are aware of this importance and consequently reflect on their practices. The aim of the current research is twofold, it first aims at assessing EFL secondary school teachers’ perception toward reflection and second at revealing whether they reflect on their practices or not. To reach these objectives, a mixed approach of both quantitative and qualitative instruments was implemented; the sample population of the study consists of 10 EFL teachers from three different secondary schools (Belhouari Mohamed, Ibn Rostom, and Medjdoub Zakaria) from two regions (Tiaret and Sougeur). Three data collection instruments were used to collect the required data, teachers’ questionnaire, teachers’ structured interview, and teachers’ daily copybook analysis. The findings obtained from the investigation revealed contradicting facts. The first obtained results show that EFL secondary school teachers’ are familiar with the concept of reflective teaching; their answers to both the questionnaire and structured interview revealed that they are familiar with the concept and its vital significance. The second point claimed by the same teachers is that they constantly reflect on their teachings; however, what was noticed in the results of the third tool, daily copybook analysis, is that EFL teachers do not reflect on practices. The findings of the third instrument were interpreted differently. The first possibility says that EFL secondary school teachers do not reflect on their practices instead they deceived the researcher by falsifying their answers of both the questionnaire and the structured interview. The second possibility claims that they reflect on their practices in an unstructured way (Informal Reflection) which is considered ineffective way of improving teaching or teachers’ professionalism.
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