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dc.contributor.authorزيان, حورية-
dc.contributor.authorشاهد, نعيمة-
dc.descriptionIn this study we worked on the personality of Hossein Ait – Amed, he joined the Algerian people party at the age of 16, with made him the first who defended the Algerian issue, and different activities to introduce, the party and its goals. He was the responsible on the operation, of than post in March 1949 which ended with garbing an anoint of money, without he was replaced by Ahmed Ben Bella as the president of the special organization after postal crisis in 1949. His efforts showed more after stabilizing in Cairo among the external delegation. And this was for providing the revolution war with more arms . In addition to his effective participation in the Bandulch conference to introduce the Algerian issue. He and his friend were kidnapped on October 22, 1956 to be after that a nested. Although Hussein Ait Ahmed was in prison, he didn’t stop his activities As he guaranteed his place in the national council of the revolution. In addition to holding the position of minister of state for the interim government of the Algerian republic, As he took part in the negciations between France and Algeria.en_US
dc.description.abstractتطرقنا في هذه الدراسة لشخصية حسين آيت أحمد ، انظم هذا الاخير مبكرا الى صفوف حزب الشعب الجزائري وعمره لايتجاوز 16سنة ، ماجعله فيما بعد يصبح اول المدافعين عن القضية الجزائرية ، والقيام بالعديد من النشاطات في اطار التعريف بمبادئ الحزب وأهدافه.en_US
dc.publisherجامعة ابن خلدون-تيارتen_US
dc.subjectالنضال السياسي لحسينen_US
dc.subjectنشاط حسين آيت أحمدen_US
dc.subjectقيادة جبهة التحريرen_US
dc.subjectدوره في المفاوضاتen_US
dc.titleنضال حسين آيت أحمد في سبيل القضية الوطنية الجزائرية 1943-1962en_US
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