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Titre: Unravelling the Linguistic Practices in Children’s Popular Songs at Algeria Selected Chants From Bara3im Thugs YouTube Videos
Auteur(s): BENCHOHRA, Zohra
Mots-clés: Children’s Popular Songs, Linguistics Practices, Language acquisition/ Learning, Cultural heritage, Tiaret Speech Community.
Date de publication: 6-jui-2023
Editeur: Université IBN KHALDOUN- Tiaret
Résumé: The study investigates the impact of Children's Popular Songs in Algeria via mainly examining their cultural significance and educational values. The purpose of the research is to portray the historical context of those songs, their role in shaping the speech of Algerian children, and the potential for their revival in contemporary speech repertoire. The data collection process involved two main methods. Firstly, an online questionnaire was administered to 107 respondents from the Tiaret speech community. The selection criteria for participants were based on their expressed interest and familiarity with Children's Popular Songs. The questionnaire aimed to gather quantitative data and insights regarding the perception and usage of these songs among the target population. Secondly, a Content Analysis Approach (CAA) was utilized to analyze a corpus of 33 Children's Popular Songs. The CAA enabled a qualitative examination of the lyrics, themes, and cultural references present in the songs. The findings indicate that Children's Popular Songs have a deep-rooted cultural importance in Algeria, serving as a link to the country's heritage. They also play a significant role in the educational development of children, facilitating language learning and acquisition. However, with the rise of technology and changing cultural dynamics, those songs are at risk of being disappearing from the repertoire of the younger generation. The study concludes by emphasising the need to preserve and promote Children's Popular Songs, considering them as vital elements of Algerian identity and cultural heritage. Efforts should be made to integrate those songs into educational curricula and create opportunities to perform and transmit to Future generations.
Description: Cette étude explore l'impact des chansons populaires pour enfants en Algérie, en examinant leur signification culturelle et leur valeur éducative. Les résultats indiquent que les chansons populaires pour enfants ont une importance culturelle profondément enracinée en Algérie, servant de lien avec le patrimoine du pays. Ils jouent également un rôle important dans le développement éducatif des enfants. Cependant, avec l'essor de la technologie et l'évolution des dynamiques culturelles, ces chansons risquent de disparaître du répertoire de la jeune génération. L'étude conclut en insistant sur la nécessité de préserver et de promouvoir les chansons populaires enfantines, en le considérant comme des éléments vitaux de l'identité et du patrimoine culturel algériens. Des efforts doivent être faits pour intégrer ces chants dans les programmes d'enseignement et créer des opportunités pour leur interprétation et leur transmission.
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