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dc.contributor.authorPathak, Krishna Prasad-
dc.description.abstractBackground: Foreign employment trend of Nepal has a long history. Government of Nepal has approved for 110 countries for foreign employment. Nepalese youths are migrating to work in Malaysia, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), India in huge numbers. This migration trend shows a large scale migrating as workers’ year to year. Most youngster are more attractive for international employment migration from Nepal because youths adapt foreign employment is livelihood but unskilled jobs like; building sites, in factories and women mainly in domestic work Aim: To explore the impacts and factors of death with Nepalese youth migration in foreign land using secondary data. Methodology: The key sources are secondary data are based on the department of Foreign employment(DOFE) and foreign employment promotion Board (FEPB). This dataset was manually manipulated from the origin data of DOFE/FEPB. We didn’t include the data from Indian employment because India and Nepal is open boarder and no need to get official documents for work permit and visa for the work therefore there is not database information to analyse the deaths. We did not collect from the Embassies and counselor office of the host country because the finally the death data will record in the international airport and that is directly concerned to the record of FEPB. The FEPB will provide compassion to the family member. Results: During 2008-2020 Fiscal year the total death were 8886 Male and Female 220. The migrant deaths 3200 were contracting by the agency. The majority kinship of death workers’ was wife (6135). The four major death workers’ destination countries were Malaysia -2919, Saudi Arabia- UAE- 1089, UAE- 2237 and Quatar-1623 during these 2008/09-2020/21 FY. Most Nepalese youth migrants are facing challenges in workplaces, most significant leading causes of death is cardiac arrest, road injury, in Qatar declared as natural causes. However, why migrant death is higher in foreign land and what impacts do they leave for their country and family? Certainly, the Impact of death affects in both ways; first is socioeconomic impacts: migrants’ death in the family can immediately push dependent family members into poverty and seriously impact on their livelihood. Conclusion: Foreign employment death of youth workers’ in host countries are higher and which is most concern issue to the family and nations. Therefore, the government should change the policy before sending out to the workers as employee why the death is happening. Whether may be the un-favorable condition of the work structures or unmatched weather- mostly in high temperatures.en_US
dc.publisherملحقة قصر الشلالةen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesالمجلد 4 العدد 2;-
dc.subjectMigrant Workersen_US
dc.titleForeign Employment Trend, Death And Socioeconomic Issues Of Nepalese Migrant Workersen_US
Collection(s) :المجلد الرابع / العدد 2

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