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dc.contributor.authorElhadj Bendjakhdel, Saad-
dc.description.abstractAlthough the reconnaissance tours and visits to the field of study can start from the first moments, that the researcher thinks about while doing his study, this can precede even his choice of the theme of study. However, talking about a reconnaissance study with integrated features and clear objectives, can be achieved only after the researcher is settled on his hypotheses and objectives. These last determinants can qualify him to enter this preliminary stage that is called (the reconnaissance study), which is often treated lightly by many researchers. In some researches, it is treated as a stand-alone study, which is almost in the status of a (Conclusive study) and was granted a larger space than its size in the research report. In contrast, other researchers preferred to ignore it completely. Between this and that, the current study came to try to re-consider this important scientific stage by determining its nature, and enumerate its stages and tools, with an emphasis on its methodological value and roles.en_US
dc.publisherIbn Khaldoun Universityen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesمجلة الخلدونية;Volume 11, Numéro 1-
dc.subjectConclusive studyen_US
dc.subjectMethodological Procedures Chapteren_US
dc.subjectReconnaissance Observationen_US
dc.subjectReconnaissance Interviewen_US
dc.titleReconnaissance Study; Concept And Designen_US
Collection(s) :المجلد الحادي عشر/ العدد 1

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