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Titre: Investigating the Flipped Learning Philosophy in Teaching Beginner English Learners in Tiaret Province
Auteur(s): Kaouche, Siham
Mots-clés: EFL classes, Flipped learning, Young learners
Date de publication: 26-jui-2022
Editeur: Université Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-
Résumé: This research aims at investigating the extent to which flipped learning can be implemented in beginner young EFL classes, in Tiaret Province; Algeria. The knowledge gap in flipped learning literature led to inquiries about its implementation. Namely, the extent to which beginner young learners can deal with the radical change of flipped learning. Therefore, to manipulate this problem, a mixed-methods study was conducted, and triangulation instruments; observations, interviews, and questionnaires, were used to collect data about teachers’ perceptions and the beginner young classrooms in Tiaret Province. The constant comparative analysis of the qualitative data and the descriptive analysis of the quantitative data gathered through this study reveal that the implementation of flipped learning in beginner young EFL classes depends on teachers’ beliefs about teaching beginner young learners, yet significant positive perceptions were identified, and it depends also on learners’ differences. The findings show that the flipped classroom can be an optimal alternative method for teaching. However, its implementation in beginner young English language classrooms should be decided by teachers.
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