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Titre: Investigating The Impact of Teacher’s Personality and Attitudes in Reducing Students’ Anxiety
Auteur(s): Benzineb, Nadia
Sadaoui, Lila
Mots-clés: emotional state; feeling of anxiety; psychological aspect; teacher; teacher’s personality and attitudes
Date de publication: 19-jui-2022
Editeur: Université Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-
Résumé: A Teacher is considered as the mirror of the educational system, as he advocates the learning as well as the teaching process. In fact, various researches have demonstrated that there are noticeable effects of teacher on learners psychological aspest and academic performance. Therefore, the present work sheds light on the effect of teacher’s personality and attitudes in the classroom context. Indeed, the major aim of this research is to investigate to what extent personality and attitudes of teacher help to alleviate learners’ anxiety towards learnering. The problematic in hand tries to find out the correlation between teacher’s personality and attitudes and the decrease of students’ negative emotional state in the classroom. To answer the research question, both a qualitative and quantitative methods are conducted. Consequently, a questionnaire and structured, non-participant observation were used as data collection tools. They were administrated to third year students and teachers of Saad Dahlab secondary school in Laayoun, Tissemsilt, Algeria. On the light of the obtained results, it is viewed that displaying appropriate teacher’s personality traits and attitudes play a controvertial role in the classroom context. They provide the privilige to handle learners’ feeling of anxiety, and to maintain the stability of their psychological aspect during the learning process
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