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Résultats 961 à 970 sur un total de 2429.
Résultats trouvés : Documents
Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
2019Analyzing the Language Contact Phenomenon in the Algerian Context and its Impact on Loan Words in Communicative Situations: The teachers of English, French and Arabic as a Sample.Ikram Salima MEDJADI; Tahar Ayoub CHIADI
2018الكتابة والتجريب في السرد الروائي الجزائري: مقاربة في نماذج مابعد الحداثةبن يطو, محمد الغزالي
2019-07-11خصائص اللغة في النصوص الفقهية: مدونة مختصر الشيخ خليل أنموذجاحساني, حبيب
2019Regional and Social Dialects as Loci of Language InducedChange in Tiaret Speech Community.Bochra KADDAOUI; Nour El houda SMAIL
2019The Sociolinguistic Study of Code Switching among the Algerian University Students .BOUDRAOUI, Sabrina
2018المسائل النحوية في تفسير محمد جمال الدين القاسمي: محاسن التأويلبلحنيش, عبد الرحمن
2020Investigating the Effects of the Project-Based Learning in Developing Learners’ Speaking Skill in Secondary School Education: Second Year Secondary School Learners as a SampleBELHARB, Hayat
2020EFL Student‟s Weaknesses in Written Language Production.BOUZIANE, Kheira; SI BACHIR, Djihad
2020The Effect of Social Media on EFL Learners’ Productive Skills.CHIKH, Chaima; MESSAOUD, Wissam
2020Discerning the Challenges Facing the Neophyte Teachers in the Work Environment: the Middle School teachers as a Sample.Hachelef, Fatima; CHAMI, Zoubida