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dc.contributor.authorLachachi, Nour el Houda-
dc.description.abstractThe present study attempts to investigate the implementation of formative assessment and its importance in enhancing EFL students’ writing skills. It aims to identify if teachers implement Formative assessment techniques during writing sessions to help their students to be skillful writers with competent level to achieve further academic and future professional experiences. We further attempted to explore the barriers that both students and teachers encounter during writing sessions and their attitude towards implementing this approach. In order to confirm our hypotheses, two instruments are used in this investigation to collect data; a students’ questionnaire and a teachers’ interview. The students’ questionnaire was addressed to 69 fourth-year students at Wasel Mustafa middle school and the interview was with two teachers. The study concludes that formative is used by teachers to assess their students’ writing and guide them towards upgrading their level. In addition, the implementation of this approach has a positive impact on students’ level of writing and create for them a vital, secure atmosphere in order to present a creative English production. The study also recommends some ways through which teachers can decrease the writing difficulties that students encounter.en_US
dc.publisheribn khaldoun university-Tiareten_US
dc.subjectformative assessmenten_US
dc.subjectwriting skillen_US
dc.subjectwriting barriersen_US
dc.subjectSkillful Writersen_US
dc.titleExploring the implementation of Formative Assessment and its Impact on Learners’ Writing Skills Case of studyen_US
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