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Titre: The Use of Short Stories in the Acquisition of Vocabulary
Auteur(s): Bouziane, Hind
Ladraa, Belkacem
Mots-clés: Cross-Cultural
Allen Poe
H.G Wells
Short Stories
Date de publication: jui-2024
Editeur: ibn khaldoun university-Tiaret
Résumé: The present Study aims to prove the Use of Short Stories in the Acquisition of Vocabulary through two selected Short Stories from the Target and Native cultures and seeks to investigate the impact of reading two different Short Stories from different cultures and making a comparative Literature and Cultural analysis of both selected short stories it basically focuses on the importance of reading short stories and understanding the literary and cultural Contexts through learning narrative techniques and cultural themes and nuances and symbolism ,and to enhance students’ Vocabulary acquisition, the main purpose of this research Study is to show the relationship between reading comprehension and enhancing vocabulary and how that can be achieved by teaching short stories in the English courses , in view of this work devided into three parts . A theoretical part namely the First and the Second chapters include the main ideas of short stories and reading comprehension . We have also collected the benefits and the role of teaching short stories in the Classroom also we discussed the reading comprehension activity and its importance in leaening English as Foreign Language . The Third chapter deals with the Methodology adopted to conduct the research study with the analysis of findings in which the Data were gathered through a Questionnaire administered to Tiaret English Departement’s teachers, the finding of this research reveal to that majority of teachers teach short stories in their courses and they show positive perspectives about enhancing vocabulary acquisition through reading comprehension besides raising the cultural awareness of EFL students.Consequently,teachers need to include reading short stories activity in their courses which is preferable to vary in the types and cultures of the giving short stories in order to enhance vocabulary acquisition and expand cultural awareness. This research ends up with recommendations and suggestion for further research .
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