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dc.contributor.authorبراهيمي, نفيسة-
dc.contributor.authorبن عابد, محمد-
dc.descriptionThe research deals with the idea of establishing an international Constitutional Court to apply the principles of constitutional law within the framework of the rules of public international law. The paper reviews the urgent need to establish an international Constitutional Court aimed at protecting individuals against their states, and the importance of the existence of such a court to maintain international peace and security, and to fill the international judicial vacuum that leaves negative consequences on the ground. In this context, the research deals with the jurisdiction of the court from both substantive and procedural points of view in accordance with the project of establishing the International Constitutional Court, which was worked on by a special committee in Tunisia in 2014, and proposes the development of this project. The research clarifies the objective jurisdiction of the court by demonstrating the nature of international constitutional law and international constitutional principles, and presents internationally agreed principles of constitutional law in the field of fundamental rights and freedoms and democratic governance. The research also touches on the expected procedural dimensions of the court, explaining its role in the constitutionality of international law and its mechanisms for the internationalization of constitutional law, in comparison with the competencies of National, International and regional constitutional courts, and international practices by the Security Council and statesen_US
dc.description.abstractيتناول البحث فكرة إنشاء محكمة دستورية دولية تتولى تطبيق مبادئ القانون الدستوري في إطاار قواعد القاانون الدولي العام. يستعرض البحث الحاجة الملحة لانشاء محكمة دستورية دولية تهدف الى حماية الأفراد في مواجهة دولهم، وأهمية وجود مثل هذه المحكمة لحفظ الأمن والسلم الدوليين، ولسد الفراغ القضائي الدولي الذي يترك تبعات سلبية على أرض الواقع .en_US
dc.publisherجامعة ابن خلدون-تيارتen_US
dc.subjectدسترة القانون الدوليen_US
dc.subjectالاختصاص الإجرائيen_US
dc.subjectالمحكمة الدستورية الدوليةen_US
dc.titleنحو قانون دستوري دوليen_US
Collection(s) :Master

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